Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Doctors and Hospitals in Dar

Many people have asked us if we have good medical care where we are in Tanzania.  

I shall start by explaining what it is like for the Ex-Pat, the Mzungu, living in Tanzania.
Well, we are amongst the ‘fortunate’ who live in Dar so we are able to get to a western type hospital if necessary, if you need to see a Doctor here there is no separate Doctor’s surgery – you have to face the hour or so drive into town to go to the ‘hospital’. MAF personnel in Dar es Salaam tend to go to IST – (The International School of Tanganika) which has a hospital (doctors surgery with a couple of beds in case they need to keep anyone in overnight) built on the outer school wall – not far to go if you are at school here and need the nurse!! . This hospital has doctors from all over Europe and India as well as national staff, is well stocked with medicines, has  a pathology dept (essential when dealing with malaria) and looks generally quite Western – although you soon realise that they are actually dealing with much less equipment and less up-to-date facilities than a doctor’s surgery or A&E Dept back in the UK  would have. 

Firstly let me say that we have been very healthy since being here. Jack had an amoeba which needed a trip to the hospital/doctor, blood test and strong medicine to kill the little blighters in his stomach  and Robyn was accidentally bitten (a scratch which broke the skin) so we had to take her to get the final 2 rabies shots (we were so thankful we had all had our Rabies vaccinations in the UK before coming out, this meant she only needed 2 shots instead of 5 and we were able to wait until morning to take her rather than rush her in during the peak traffic nightmare time).  We are still waiting for Harry to get really sick. With him he kinda just self destructs - scrapes, cuts etc but on a fairly huge and dramatic scale!!

Because of the traffic you have to be really  sick to warrant being taken into town to the hospital, and I mean Really Sick! Most of the time you just self medicate.  Our kids will tell you that if they get sick; stomach problems mean starving and drinking coke, head colds etc mean no sympathy just take a couple of paracetamol and some tissues and get on with it, fever needs to be brought down and stabilised as quickly as possible by whatever means, and the best cure (I’ve found) for suspected malaria in our 3 is to show them the self-test kit needle. 
Joking aside sickness in children is a really worry for parents, especially in the young as they are still eating dirt etc and just seem less able to fight stuff off. Children go downhill fast here as they dehydrate so quickly and therein lies the danger.

You can buy almost anything over the counter here that would need a prescription for back in the UK (the same goes for veterinary medicine too which is quite useful!). The pharmacists are great; most medicines including antibiotics can be bought at any local pharmacy without the need for a prescription, just say what you need and how many we are also blessed with many nurses and the odd Doctor in the Missionary community.

So this is Dar – we still have our worries, and children (or indeed adults), often get sick and may even need medivac-ing out to Niarobi, Kenya or South Africa. But at least we do have that option and a reasonable level of medical care that can help or move you out fast to somewhere that can.

 We have learnt the valuable lesson of just trusting God and praying every day for His protection and healing hands on our lives. You can never underestimate the power of prayer and having to totally rely on God as you just haven’t got the resources often to do things on your own.

Those that live in villages are not so fortunate. They have to trust on what is available to them, friends or people they may have living and serving in their community or face the trip to Dar which could mean at the very least a day’s travel by road.

But at least there is help if you can get there.

Hospitals in Dar for nationals are very different from those that the Ex-Pat community and wealthy Tanzanians use. When one of our guards, Robert, was very sick and taken to hospital it was 2 days before there was any information as to what it might be.

I went to visit him with our 2 other guards. I took some fruit – no food is provided for the patient that is the responsibility of the family, as is the day to day care – there are no nursing staff to do this. A nurse is there to hand out medicine and keep records up to date, she may also change a bandage or other dressing but other than that care is the responsibility of the family.

On entering the hospital - which I mistook initially for a local house as it was so small, run down and very dirty – I found Roberts wife lying down on a bench outside his room trying to get some sleep. She immediately got up upon seeing us arrive and showed us into his room.

My first thoughts were “This cannot be a hospital”. The room was small, only just big enough for a single bed, a wooden bench seat and a cupboard full of junk where patient records were also kept. The paint on the walls was peeling and there were several indentations were they had been knocked and they had begun to crumble. There was dust from brickwork and the eroding concrete floor everywhere. The old metal hospital bed had a plastic coated mattress, no sheet, and a plastic hard cube for a pillow. The sun was beating down through the window that had no curtains to provide protection from its rays so the searing heat made the plastic bed unbearable. The window had the usual bars but the mosquito screen was torn in several places so unless the mosquitoes were larger than a small person they had an open door to enter. The net above the bed was so dirty and torn that again it afforded little protection.

Whilst we were there I learned Robert had a very bad case of Malaria – whether this was contracted in hospital or before we don’t know. 

No information is given to the patient about their condition, treatment or future prevention. Knowledge is power, if the patient learns too much he will have the power and not the doctor.
This is one of the major problems with sickness and disease here in Tanzania. People do not even know basic hygiene skills. The thought that living amongst so much rubbish could make you sick comes as somewhat of a surprise. Washing your hands frequently with soap as a preventative measure is news that many have never heard.

Our workers think I have great medical knowledge because if they have a burn I tell them to use Aloe Vera; a headache means a couple of paracetamol, wear a hat and drink both the bottles of water I am giving you! I clean and dress the kid’s cuts and scrapes, give them coke for an upset stomach and monitor their temperature rather than rush them to a hospital every time they get sick in case of Malaria. I am aware I can panic less because my very basic knowledge allows me that comfort. We are much more aware of how to prevent getting bitten by mosquitoes and have protected ourselves accordingly, many Tanzanians don’t have this luxury as roofs, even the one on the hospital, do not meet the walls so there is a gap of at least a foot between wall ending and roof overhang. There is often no ceiling as such just wooden joists to support the metal roof.

I digress from hospitals to building regulations but hopefully you get the picture. On the surface there is healthcare in Tanzania, if you live in a city, are wealthy or work somewhere that pays your medical bills. There is no free healthcare. No NHS to care for the young, elderly or vulnerable.
On a final note there is also disparity between available medicines. If you can afford them there are UK, European and US medication or for a cheaper alternative (let’s say for your worker), medication from India or other more dubious places where it is copied with less controlled care.

Getting sick in Tanzania is a bit like playing Russian Roulette : but if you are wealthy you own the wheel!

Thursday, 20 March 2014

SEW - what did you do this week?

Today is the day Jack returned to us having been away for the week on a SEW trip! Service Emphasis Week (SEW),  is a complete week off school timetable when the whole of Secondary serves in the community around Tanzania. 

Over the last few years Jack and Harry have served the kids of Sala Sala in a week long kids club, taught science to primary children from a local school, built shelving and dug a fire pit at the Nuru Centre and decorated and put mosquito screening up at 'Williams Nursery'.

                                       This year Harry went everyday to 'Changamoto' (Challenge), a Christian project run by Spanish missionaries that work to rehabilitate drug and alcohol addicts. The men that come to their project are helped to rebuild their lives through the power of the Gospel and learning carpentry skills. Harry and his team painted walls and sanded furniture for the first 2 days. The following day, despite a raging head cold and feeling exhausted, Harry returned to paint, sand and cut grass. Cutting grass is done with a panga, a long metal blade with a 'foot' at the end, which is swung back and forth to slice the grass. Harry insisted you didn't feel tired doing it - until you stopped! His hands however bore the scars of his labour, several burst blisters and stinging palms made him realise how hard ours guards work cutting our grass at home.

Jack was given the opportunity to go on a residential as he is now in grade 9. He went to help the Danish Mission, Soma Biblia (Read the Bible). A 7am Saturday morning start from the school car park was a bit of a shock to the system for Jack but he had to travel about 4 hours to the Morogoro area. Here he gave out tracts (Christian literature), at the local market, visited some local schools to give out Bibles and on Sunday at church  they sold Bibles and other Christian literature. Sunday afternoon he returned to Dar to the headquarters of Soma Biblia. There it was packing and stacking boxes of Bibles to later distribute on the streets of downtown Dar.

Services Emphasis Week is a time when the pupils of HOPAC Secondary school get the chance to really learn about service. It's not about what they do, although all the projects they serve at benefit enormously, but it is what they learn that makes the difference. They learn to serve others, they learn to humble themselves by putting others first and most importantly, they learn the joy of service.

In the book of Matthew Ch22 it says:  37 Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’[e] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

A time to trust

A new chapter has started with the beginning of 2014. We returned from the UK happy that we had managed to see so many of our  friends/supporters yet sad that we were unable to spend time with more. We realised anew just how fast the pace of life changes as we realised how much we had changed, and how more 'african' our outlook on life has become. Our priorities our changing too. God is teaching us what is really important in our lives; our relationship with Him first. We have seen many people come and go during our 3 years in Tanzania, the missionary life can often seem as a time when all you do is say 'Goodbye', but this too has been a blessing as it teaches us to rely more on God than people.
One particular event right at the beginning of this month (January), was a time we had to learn to say 'goodbye' to a very special lady in our lives.

Mama Mawazo worked for us in our home from the beginning of our time here in Tanzania. She helped us not only with the cooking and cleaning as we came to terms with our new culture here in Africa, but also was a real tower of strength for us spiritually as her joy for the Lord in all circumstances carried us through many difficult times.
Mama Mawazo succumbed to HIV/AIDS like so many people here in Africa. Her life started in a Muslim village just outside the beautiful mountainous countryside of Morogoro. About 10yrs ago she moved with her husband to Dar es Salaam for a better life and education for her growing family.
Mama Mawazo began  work for a HOPAC family (Haven of Peace Academy), which was her first encounter with Christians who regularly prayed and read the bible together.  Over time she learnt of a Saviour who loved her and gave His life for her so she could have life to the full and surety of eternal life.
Mama Mawazo and her entire family accepted Christ as their Saviour and were baptized at the Nuru Centre Church where they continued to worship.  Her husband later died leaving her to bring up her 4 children on her own. Her new faith sustained her and she never stopped smiling and praising God.
Her 2 boys, now in their early twenties, are currently at college; Mawazo training for Hotel Management in the Tourist Industry and Msaphiri hoping  to be an Engineer. Her daughter Pili (16yrs), is still at Secondary school studying for her GCSE's. She lost sight in one eye last year, (due to poor diet and quite common to many here in Tanzania), but is determined  to get an education - her mother's heartfelt dream for her daughters so they can have more of a chance in life than she did. Gladness (9yrs) is still at Primary school.
The children are still in Dar, at their home, but very much have to fend for themselves. They rely on extended family and friends for food, rent and school fees, but at least they have not been ordered back to the village - a plight for most daughters particularly when parents die. Theirs is now an even harder life, each day a struggle to survive through to the next.
Mama Mawazo's funeral service was one of celebration for her life. The Church was packed with many having to stand. It was incredible to see how many lives she had touched. Her love for children and desire to to share Jesus with everyone, led her to work with the children in the local area teaching 'Sunday School' to a group on a Friday afternoon many of whom have accepted Christ as their personal Saviour.
Mama Mawazo was a wonderful example of Christ to all she met. Her joy that she had found in Jesus spilled over to all.
Thank you Mama Mawazo for all your friendship and joy as you showed us Jesus in your life each day.